Former Assistant District Attorney
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The Firm
Beth is experienced trial attorney with more than twenty years legal experience. Beth began her career as a prosecutor with the Rockland County District Attorney. She spent approximately 15 years with the Rockland County District Attorney's Office as the Narcotics Bureau Supervisor and Street Crimes Prosecutor and she has extensive trial and litigation experience. While serving as an Executive Assistant District Attorney, Beth was one of the first prosecutors in the State of New York to obtain a conviction for murder where the victim's body was never recovered.
Beth was the founder of the Rockland County Drug Court and has extensive knowledge and experience with alternative to incarceration programs available for our clients. She has traveled across the country familiarizing herself with addiction and different treatment programs. Beth has been requested to lecture for the New York State Police, Rockland County Police Academy, Rockland County Narcotics Task Force and the Rockland County Bar Association on various topics such as Search and Seizure Law, and Alternatives to Incarceration. Since leaving the District Attorney's office in 2008, Beth has applied her extensive criminal law knowledge and trial experience to the area of criminal defense, family law, and all general litigation matters. Beth is known throughout the County for her zealous representation of her clients.